GEMS Project

Overview | Publications | Software


Journal Articles

  1. S. Musslick, L.K. Bartlett, S. Chandramouli, M. Dubova, F. Gobet, T.L. Griffiths, J. Hullman, R.D. King, J.N. Kutz, C.G. Lucas, S. Mahesh, F. Pestilli, S. Sloman and W. Holmes, 'Automating the practice of science: Opportunities, challenges, and implications', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2024.

  2. L.K. Bartlett, A. Pirrone, N. Javed and F. Gobet, Computational scientific discovery in psychology. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 18(1), pp.178-89, 2023. -

  3. N. Javed, F. Gobet and P.C.R. Lane, Simplification of genetic programs: A literature survey, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 36, pp. 1279-1300, 2022. (open access)

  4. A. Pirrone and F. Gobet, GEMS: genetically evolving models in science. Sistemi Intelligenti, 34:107-115, 2022. -

  5. A. Pirrone, A. Reina, T. Stafford, J.A. Marshall, and F. Gobet, Magnitude-sensitivity: rethinking decision-making. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 26:66-80, 2021. -

  6. A. Pirrone, A. Reina, and F. Gobet, Input-dependent noise can explain magnitude-sensitivity in optimal value-based decision-making. Judgment and Decision Making, 16(5), 2021.

  7. A. Pirrone and F. Gobet, Is attentional discounting in value-based decision making magnitude sensitive? Journal of Cognitive Psychology, pp. 327-36, 2021. -

  8. A. Pirrone and F. Gobet, Modelling value-based decision-making policies using Genetic Programming: A proof of concept study. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 79:113-121, 2020. -

Refereed Conference Papers

  1. P.C.R. Lane and F. Gobet, 'Tutorial: Computational scientific discovery in cognitive science', in Proceedings of the IEEE 6th International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence, 2024.

  2. D. Bennett, N. Javed, L. Bartlett, P.C.R. Lane and F. Gobet, 'Evolving cognitive models: A novel approach to verbal learning', in Proceedings of the IEEE 6th International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence, 2024.

  3. D. Bennett and F. Gobet, 'Cognitive chunks, neural engrams and natural concepts: Bridging the gap between connectionist and symbolism', Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems, 2024.

  4. L.K. Bartlett, N. Javed, D. Bennett, P.C.R. Lane and F. Gobet, 'Modelling attentional cueing and inhibition of return with genetic programming', Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems, 2024.

  5. P.C.R. Lane, N. Javed, L.K. Bartlett, D. Bennett and F. Gobet, 'Exploring the diversity of evolved cognitive models with cluster analysis', in V. Bhateja, P. Patel, and T. Jinshang (Eds.), Evolution in Computational Intelligence: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications, 2024.

  6. D. Bennet, N. Javed, P.C.R. Lane, F. Gobet and L.K. Bartlett, 'Genetically evolving verbal learning: a computational model based on chunking and evolution', in Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Cognitive Modelling, 2024. paper

  7. A. Pirrone, P.C.R. Lane, L.K. Bartlett, N.Javed and F. Gobet, 'Heuristic search of heuristics', in M.Bramer and F.Stahl (Eds.) Artificial Intelligence XL. SGAI 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 14381, 2023. (Springer, Cham.)

  8. L.K. Bartlett, A. Pirrone, N. Javed, P.C.R. Lane and F. Gobet, Genetic programming for developing simple cognitive models, In M. Goldwater, F.K. Anggoro, B.K. Hayes, & D.C. Ong (Eds.), Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 2833-2839, 2023. download

  9. N. Javed, A. Pirrone, L.K. Bartlett, P.C.R. Lane and F. Gobet, Trust in cognitive models: Understandability and computational realism, in B.Muller (Ed.), Proceedings of the AISB Convention, pp. 43-50, 2023. pdf

  10. P.C.R. Lane, L.K. Bartlett, N. Javed, A. Pirrone and F. Gobet, Evolving understandable cognitive models, in T.C. Stewart (Ed.), Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Cognitive Modelling, pp. 176-82, 2022. pdf

  11. Javed, N., & Gobet, F. (2021) On-the-fly Simplification of Genetic Programming Models, in SAC '21: The 36th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, pp. 464-471. -

Book Chapters

  1. Gobet, F. (2020). Ignoring boundaries between disciplines. In D. Dai and R. Sternberg (Eds.), Scientific inquiry into human potential: Historical and contemporary perspectives across disciplines. New York: Routledge. (book).

Conference Presentations

  1. F. Gobet, 'Semiautomatically evolving CHREST models of verbal learning', BPS Cognitive Section Annual Conference, Swansea University, UK, 2024. pdf

  2. F. Gobet, 'CIPAL: A novel theory of implicit word discovery based on chunking', 11th Implicit Learning Seminar, Marseille, France, 2024.

  3. P.C.R. Lane, L.K. Bartlett and F.Gobet, 'Investigating the diversity of evolved cognitive models in Delayed Match to Sample experiments', Proceedings of Abstracts, School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science Research Conference, 2024. abstract pdf - Winner of Best Poster Prize.

  4. Bartlett, L. K. (2022, May). Common sense, artificial intelligence and psychology [presentation]. AI and Common sense workshop, Nancy, France.

  5. Bartlett, L. K. (2023, May). Common sense, artificial intelligence and psychology. AI and Common sense workshop, Biel/Bienne, Switzerland.

  6. L.K. Bartlett, A. Pirrone, N. Javed, P.C.R. Lane and F. Gobet, Generating candidate cognitive models for the Posner cueing task [Conference poster]. 45th European Conference on Visual Perception, Paphos, Cyprus, 2023.

  7. P.C.R. Lane, F. Gobet, A. Pirrone, L. Bartlett and N. Javed, 'Synthesising cognitive models with genetic programming', Proceedings of Abstracts, School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science Research Conference, 2023. pdf

  8. Gobet, F. (2023, July). How video games can revitalize Newell’s program of research. 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Sydney, Australia.

  9. Gobet, F. (2023, March). Discovering models in cognitive psychology using experimental data. AAAI Spring Symposium on Computational Approaches to Scientific Discovery. San Francisco, CA.

  10. Gobet, F. (2022, November). Can psychologists' scientific practices be described as progressive Lakatosian research programmes? Imre Lakatos Centenary Conference, LSE, London.

  11. Pirrone, A., Gobet, F. (2020). Value-based decision making in naturalistic vs laboratory settings. Talk presented at the Neuromatch conference 3.0.

  12. Pirrone, A., Gobet, F. (2020). Modelling value-based decision-making policies using Genetic Programming. Poster presented at the 50th annual conference of the Society for Computation in Psychology (SCiP) - affiliate meeting of the Psychonomic Society’s 61st Annual Meeting.

  13. Pirrone, A., Gobet, F. (2020). Revisiting the evidence for magnitude sensitivity in the attentional drift-diffusion model. Poster presented at the 50th annual conference of the Society for Computation in Psychology (SCiP) - affiliate meeting of the Psychonomic Society’s 61st Annual Meeting.


  1. GEMS tutorial at CogMI-2024, Washington, USA on 30th October 2024.

  2. GEMS workshop at AI-2023, Cambridge, England on 12th December 2023.